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The Amazing Red Rocks

Updated: Sep 25, 2018

Trip to Colorado June 2018


This is my first blog in this site. I am going to share a little bit of detail on my trip to Colorado this June 2018. Colorado is known for its nature beauty. Through out my trips in Colorado we hike or bike almost every single day. One of the most interesting view that you would find is the "Red Rocks". They are red in color and appear slanted to the ground at a 30o degree angle.

"Where ever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine. " - (Anonymous)

Pike National Forest is my first national forest trip in the States. We went there to hike up to elevation at 10,000 ft and I start feeling height sickness. At first, I thought that my dizziness was from coffee, but as I was walking I realize that I felt very light and needed to breath in more often. The hike path was over looking the "South Park" area, which is an even grass land in reality.

Cauliflower Chicken

This is the best Cauliflower Chicken, I've ever tried in my life! We went to "WaterCourse Foods" vegetarian place in Denver - Colorado. Best Cauli-Chicken ever!!

That's a glimpse of my trip to Colorado. See you in my next blog.

CiderElla ~~ XOXO


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1 comentario

Miembro desconocido
25 sept 2018

I love that picture of you in the forest! As much as I hate cauliflower, the "fried chicken" presentation made it actually almost sort-of good.

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