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Prosthetic Conscience Revel Cider Company - Hibiscus Perry

Updated: Mar 15, 2019

A Canadian Cider

prosthetic conscience hibiscus perry

The Ontario Canada originated cidery, Revel Cider, is creating an urban style cider through mixed culture and spontaneous fermentation. The Hibiscus Perry or Brett Hibiscus with Perry is a pear cider. It was made with fermented pear infused with hibiscus and hop flavor, in 10 different Bretts. The result is a fruity-hoppy pear.

"It is peach - pink opaque in color. Initial note is fresh and fruity, but it is leaving a funk bitter taste afterwards. The hop flavor is a bit overwhelming. It is unique, but is not my favorite. I will give it a 3.2 out of 5.0."
hibiscus perry nutrition fact

This is a cider that I would try once, but not really come back to it because of the funk note.


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